Veterinary Surgical Services in Northwest, Florida

Count on veterinary surgical services from At Home Veterinary Service and Surgery in Shalimar, Florida. Many pets require surgeries that are not routinely provided at local veterinary clinics. With Dr. Blumer’s help, you are able to avoid traveling to specialists, missing work, and incurring great expense to treat your pet’s injuries.
Extensive Experience
Dr. Blumer has been providing many types of surgeries for more than five years. He has performed more than 900 anterior cruciate ligament (ACL or CCL) repairs, more than 500 medial patellar luxation repairs, and more than 1,000 fracture repairs.
Surgeries Performed
Dr. Blumer is the only veterinarian in the area who repairs pelvic fractures. While orthopedic procedures are of special interest to Dr. Blumer, he also performs many soft tissue surgeries, including:
Cat-Specific Procedures
Dr. Blumer performs many surgeries that are specific to cats. He has performed more than 500 perineal urethrostomies which is a correction for male cats that become blocked and unable to urinate. He has also performed thyroidectomies for hyperthyroid cats that cannot be medicated and subtotal colectomies for cats with megacolon.
Clinics Served
Dr. Blumer has performed surgeries at more than 18 clinics from Pensacola to Panama City, including most of the clinics in Okaloosa and Walton counties. He is able to perform surgeries at your veterinarian’s clinic or one of the clinics that routinely use him.
Contact Dr. Blumer in Shalimar, Florida, to have your pet’s surgery performed by a seasoned veterinary surgeon.